Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tech Article 11-30-12

Cyber Monday slows mobile web to a crawl

As we all know, Cyber Monday is just another Black Friday, but on the web. Now, since smart phones are more advanced, Cyber Monday can be shopped for on smart phones. Most find it easier because, its shopping on the go. So, next year for Cyber Monday just take the shopping on the go!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tech Article 11-7-12

Verizon: Sandy could have 'significant' impact on profit

Verizon Wireless stated on Friday that the company is in progress, in getting all the cellular back online and work. However, they are trying to restore the customers phones who, the super storm Sandy has impacted on. Unfortunately, many stores that where in the areas of Hurricane Sandy, had been having a little struggle getting back together. "Any people who live where Sandy struct, and have Verizon please be patient we are trying their best." Quoted Verizon.